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Accessibility Guidance

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New digital accessibility regulations came into force on september 2018.

This is known as The Public Sector Bodies (websites and mobile applications) (no. 2) Accessibility regulations 2018. This regulation implements the eu directive on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies into uk law.

Why this is important

The university wants to ensure the digital information we make available through all our portals are accessible to the vast majority of our users – current and prospective students/staff, funders, collaborators and the wider public. ensuring our digital content is accessible fits with our values, and supports the university’s aims as relating to widening access, civic engagement and inclusivity. In addition, we have legal obligations under the equality act 2010, and new digital accessibility regulations 2018. 

It is important that you make yourself aware of your obligations in providing content and services particular with reference to legislation.  


Accessible documents

Legal Requirements