As part of the process of creating a University IT account a number of resources are allocated specifically to the new account, such as an email and personal file storage.
Your user ID and password are used to identify you and control your access to our IT systems.
An example username for an IT account is: ua0abc
IT Account Password
Your new password will need:
- at least one UPPER case letter
- at least one lower case letter
- at least one number
- have at least TEN characters
Please consider the following guidance when choosing a password:
- use a mixture of characters, UPPER- and lower-case letters, numbers and other characters such as ) ( > < * & ^ % $ , but not a space : or |
- Do not use words that are in dictionaries, even with numbers substituted for letters.
- Do not use names or other words that people can associate with you.
- Keep your University password different from other passwords or PINs you use.
- Change your password regularly.
- Change your password immediately if you suspect someone else knows it.
If you have trouble changing your password, please contact either your faculty IT Support or the IT Service Desk on 0191 5153333
Staff of the University of Sunderland will never ask for your password. Any request to supply your password, particularly in emails, should be ignored no matter who makes the request. If you let other people use your account details to access University IT, your account may be suspended.
IT Account Expiry & Deletion
Your user ID and password will be active as long as you are a member of staff of the University of Sunderland. Once you are no longer employed by the University, your IT Account will be disabled on the day you leave, resulting in all access to University of Sunderland systems and or resources being revoked.
6 months after your user ID and password has been disabled your email and personal file store will be deleted from our systems.