All University web hosted services will be at risk of downtime every Tuesday between 7am to 9am.
The University has developed training which is mandatory for all staff and contractors of the University. Failure to complete this training could lead to your access to systems containing personal information being removed, until training has been successfully undertaken.
The training is designed to give you an understanding of the General Data Protection Regulations and will also provide helpful practical advice in relation to Cyber Security. It will be expected that you will undertake this training on a yearly basis.
You will have by now received an email inviting you to undertake your Cyber Security and Data Protection Training, however if you haven’t then please click here to access training material within Canvas.
While this training is to be undertaken by all staff we understand that additional training may be required within specific areas of the University to provide further advanced training to a group of users. In order to request bespoke additional training please first ensure that all staff in your area have undertaken their basic online training then email: to request Data Protection specific training
or to request Cyber Security specific training.
Copies of all bespoke training slides and supporting materials will be made available on this site for future reference.
*Please note there is currently no content in this section, however new content will be added soon.*